Rock Me Faster (Licks Of Leather Book 4) Read online

Page 6

  “I’d say that’s a big hell yeah. She’s not only ball-churningly beautiful but she’s got virgin written all over her. I feel your pain, man,” Syd drawled, grabbing his junk. “Hell, if you don’t want her, give her to me. I’d gladly tap—”

  “Don’t say another fucking word,” I roared, launching from the couch and drawing back a fist.

  Always the peacekeeper, Burk stood and stepped between us. “Easy, man. Don’t kill him. He’s just mouthing off.”

  “Then give me a ball gag so I can shut his ass up.”

  “I like the big, red rubber ones,” Syd said with a laugh.

  “You’re not helping, fucker,” Ozzy drawled.

  “Sorry. My bad,” Syd apologized with a sheepish smirk. “It’s just…she’s so fucking tempt—”

  “Shut up,” the others bellowed in unison.

  “Sit down and chill out, man.” Burk nodded toward my seat as he placed a calming hand on my shoulder. “Let’s find a way to work around this…challenge.”

  With an inward scoff, I flopped down again. The only challenge I had to work around was keeping the dangerous urge to strip Harmony bare and drag her beneath me.

  “I have an idea,” Darren announced.

  “Spit it out,” I grumbled.

  “It’s not going to solve your issues with Quinn, but if you and Harmony can quickly convince the paparazzi that you two are madly in love, they’ll turn their crosshairs on someone else. There’d be no reason for Harmony to stay with us for the whole tour. Once the tabloids are done gorging on your relationship, she can go back to…”

  “Kentucky,” I mumbled. “She’s from Kentucky.”

  “That explains her sweet southern accent,” Darren quipped.

  “He’s right.” Ozzy lifted his somber expression my way. “Mia can help coach you two. She and Nigel spent years pretending to be a couple.”

  “They were damn convincing, too,” Burk added.

  “True.” I nodded, pondering the suggestion.

  “I wouldn’t have believed they’d never slept together if I hadn’t heard it from you, Oz,” Darren added.

  Leaning in, Ozzy pinned me with a somber stare. “Remember what Burk told me when I was losing my shit over Mia?”

  “Which part?”

  “That everything was going to be fine, because you all had my back?” I nodded. “Well, everything is still going to be fine, because we all have yours. We’re not letting you quit. Got it?”

  The conviction, understanding, and love in his voice brought a lump to my throat.

  “No, we’re not,” Burk seconded. “You’re stuck with us.”

  “Until we’re old and gray and wearing Depends on stage,” Syd chortled.

  “I’m never putting on a fucking diaper,” I barked at the bass player. “I’ll shit my pants first.”

  “Oh, the groupies will love that.” He laughed, then quickly sobered. “Fuck. If we’re still performing when we’re that old, will the groupies still want to play with our dusty old balls?”

  “Forget those chicks; I just want to be able to get it up for Tori.” Darren cringed.

  “I’ll have to turn into a Viagra addict,” Syd howled.

  “If you keep sticking your dick in anything with a pulse, your shit will rot off long before erectile dysfunction sets in,” I chided dryly.

  “At least I’m getting some, fucker,” Syd countered with a grin.

  “So, you’re staying, right?” Burk’s face was etched in concern.

  “Yeah, I’m staying,” I mumbled. “But only if you guys swear that you’ll never leave me alone with Harmony.”

  While the others looked a bit puzzled by my request, Syd threw a fist pump in the air and grinned. “Hell yes! I love watching porn.”

  “I’m not going to fuck her,” I snarled.

  “Then you’re an idiot,” Syd said, shaking his head sadly.

  “No. I just refuse to give Quinn the satisfaction of letting some chick mess with my head if that’s what he’s really up to.”

  “Good luck with that,” Ozzy muttered slyly.

  The keyboard player might have been crazy enough to let Mia fuck with both his heads…twice, but I wasn’t a fool. I was simply more jaded. No way would I let Harmony sink her claws into me.

  No, you’ll just fantasize about her claws raking down your back while you fuck her breathless every night, jacking off, a little voice in my head mocked.

  Highly likely, but fantasies were the only sure way to keep me from destroying us both.

  When Burk’s cell phone began to ring, he pulled the device from his pocket and smiled. “Hey, baby, what’s up?”

  The adoration in his voice was nauseating. I had nothing against other people being in love, but I sure as shit didn’t want Cupid’s arrows anywhere near my sorry ass.

  “Shit. I forgot all about the interview,” Burk groaned.

  “Fuck, I did too,” Darren muttered.

  I hadn’t, though I’d really wanted to, especially after reading the lies the vultures were spewing about me. Though I was going to be in the hot seat, I planned to do what I always did—sit quietly and let Syd be Syd while the others answered questions.

  “We’re on our way down.” Burk paused, then sent me a supportive nod. “Yeah, all of us. Don’t ever underestimate the power of the brotherhood, baby.”

  “Amen.” Ozzy grinned as he and the others stood.

  With a heavy sigh, I rose from the couch and followed them out of the suite.

  Stepping onto the bus behind Darren, the guitar player drew up short and murmured over his shoulder, “Heads up. We’re not alone.”

  I knew he wasn’t talking about Sofia and Mia being onboard. That was a given.

  “Lovely,” I drawled under my breath as I nodded to our driver, Kenny, and started down the long, narrow aisle.

  Sofia, Mia, Quinn, and Harmony were seated on a long leather couch in the middle of the coach. Ignoring everyone but our meddling agent, I pinned him with a glare.

  Quinn briefly closed his eyes and grimly nodded. “Thank you for reconsidering and joining—”

  “You and I aren’t done. Not by a long shot,” I snarled, sliding onto the chair across from him and the girls.

  “I know, but we can’t shut the press down if you keep a closed mind.”

  “I might have tried to keep it open from the beginning if you hadn’t pulled out a fucking crowbar.”

  “Please. You wouldn’t have been any more receptive to the idea if I’d handed Harmony to you on a silver platter, and you damn well know it.”

  And because I was a sick, twisted fuck, my mind filled with images of Harmony, naked and poised on a silver platter, innocently waiting for me to devour her like a big bad wolf.

  Focus, fucker.

  “I already told you I don’t give a shit what the tabloids say.”

  “You should. The lies they spin reflect badly on all of you. The sooner we prove their stories are bullshit, the better.”

  “I thought controversy sold tickets. That’s what this is all about, right?”

  “No. This isn’t about money. Your upcoming tour sold out in less than four minutes. It’s about procuring positive publicity instead of negative. It’s why I sent Sofia to join your last tour. I’m sorry you don’t like it, but I’m not going to sit back and let all her hard work swirl down the drain because you don’t give a shit what those assholes say about you.”

  “Fine. Out of respect to Sofia, I’ll play your little game. But the second the press turns their attention on someone else, she strolls off the bus and flies back to Kentucky,” I said, jerking a thumb at Harmony.

  “Deal.” Quinn nodded. “Let’s get some acting classes started.”

  “What? Now?” I barked.

  “No time like the present. Especially since Mia has generously offered to be an on-site acting coach for you two.”

  “I don’t need a damn coach. I know how to…act.”

  Beside me, Syd let out a long, lo
ud belly laugh. “Dude, if you act like you’ve been for the past four years, she isn’t ever going back to Kentucky.”

  “Though I appreciate y’all wagering bets on when I’ll go home, she is sitting right here,” Harmony reminded.

  Clearly, the only way I was going to get everyone off my dick was to prove myself.

  No time like the present. Yeah, well suck on this, Quinn.

  I stood and crossed the aisle before dropping to one knee in front of Harmony. As I threaded my fingers through hers—struggling to dismiss the biting current surging up my arm—I leashed my beast in heavy chains. Then I shored up my barriers, dusted off an enamored expression that had been stored in mothballs for years, and slapped my loving boyfriend mask in place.

  Harmony’s hypnotic blue eyes widened in unadulterated shock. Holding her prisoner with a seductive gaze, I felt a tempting tremor quake her body. The pulse point at the base of her neck started fluttering like hummingbird wings.

  Every cell in my body ached to draw her to my lips and kiss her warm, silky flesh, drag my tongue along the inside of her wrist until she whimpered softly. But simply touching her like this was pushing the envelope and putting us both in dangerous territory. Still, I had a point to make. If they wanted a performance, by god, I intended to knock them on their asses. And if I could scare Harmony off in the process…all the better.

  “Yes, you are here, princess.” Whispering in an alluring tone that hadn’t wrapped my vocal cords in years, I dragged a knuckle softly down her cheek. “Trust me, beautiful. There’s no place on earth I want you to be other than here, with me.”

  Harmony’s eyes grew wide as she lifted a trembling hand to her mouth.

  “Whoa, damn,” Mia whispered.

  I was still turning on the charm and getting lost in Harmony’s liquid blue pools when something that looked a lot like hero worship skipped over them.


  I quickly released her hand, turned off the seduction, then sent Quinn a sarcastic smirk as I returned to my seat. “Still think I need an acting coach?”

  Harmony’s enchanted expression gave way to cold, hard rejection.

  A red blush crawled up her chest and stained her cheeks.

  As she lowered her lashes, I caught a glimpse of tears filling her eyes.

  The sight of what my callous behavior had done to her was a kick to the gut. Guilt sluiced through my veins, and I felt like the biggest prick on the planet. Clenching my jaw, I bit back a howl and started mentally practicing my acceptance speech for the Asshole of the Year Award.

  “You don’t,” Mia answered assuredly, sending Harmony a supportive but sympathetic smile as she bravely lifted her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you play your part convincingly.”

  “Maybe I’m not cut out to be an actress.” Insecurity saturated Harmony’s words.

  Son of a bitch. Obviously, destroying her spirt wasn’t enough. I had to go and send a tsunami of doubt to drown her as well. Even worse was knowing that none of this was her fault. This innocent beauty who probably didn’t have a cynical bone in her body, unlike me, was nothing but a casualty of the war Quinn was waging between me and the media. Harmony had no logical reason to even be here, let alone get herself involved in my miserable shit show.

  “Nonsense.” Quinn waved her worries away. “You’ll—”

  “Just follow my lead. You’ll do fine, princess.”

  I had no idea what possessed me to reassure her. Guilt? Probably. And this was why I wanted her on the next plane to Kentucky. I was a piss-poor excuse for a human being and an even worse pseudo-boyfriend. But all that aside, I’d never survive living with the temptation of Harmony Sharp day in, day out for the next six months. What little self-control I possessed would crumble.

  No, I wasn’t a pussy, but even Superman couldn’t defend himself against Kryptonite. And the beautiful, innocent temptress sitting across from me was far more lethal to my restraint than all the Kryptonite in comiclandia.

  “Oh, shit,” Mia mumbled, peering out the window as the bus rolled to a stop. “Quinn, seriously. You cannot thrust her into that. Harmony needs more time.”

  I turned and stared at the swarm of screaming fans and reporters clogging the entrance of the radio station. My gut knotted, and my heart started thrumming wildly. I wasn’t even in the right headspace to face that crowd with her on my arm. Harmony had to be having an internal meltdown right now.

  “Mercy,” she exhaled on a shaky breath.

  “If we’re going to nip this in the bud, we have to start now.” Quinn frowned. “I’m sorry, Harmony, but are you up for a little trial by fire?”

  “No,” I bellowed. “You’re not sending her into that viper pit without some practice.”

  “I agree,” Burk piped up. “Harmony isn’t ready for this.”

  “Thanks, both of you, but I’m not made of glass.” Harmony swallowed tightly. “I know now what I have to do. I’m not afraid of facing your fans, but the press—”

  “Should scare you shitless. They’re ruthless and will tear you to shreds,” I warned.

  “Maybe. But I’m not facing them alone. You’ll all be beside me, right?” When I nodded, she stood and resolutely lifted her chin. “Then let’s do this.”

  Harmony was either the most naïve woman on the planet or the bravest, I wasn’t sure which. I did know one thing. I had to keep her from coming unglued when the paparazzi pounced.

  Making sure my barriers were anchored securely, I stood and eased in beside her, leaning close to her ear. I didn’t want Quinn to overhear me and nix my suggestion. “You don’t have to do this. You can stay on the bus until—”

  “No. I’m good. I’ll play my part as convincingly as you did a few minutes ago.”

  Please, God, let her be bluffing.

  This tempting little morsel was testing my self-restraint to its limit simply by breathing. If she started turning on the seduction, I’d come completely undone and things would get ugly fast. “Don’t start playing with fire, because I guarantee you will get burned.”

  Harmony trembled, with what I hoped was a shiver of fear. But when she lifted her thick lashes and I saw challenge and hunger flare in her electric-blue eyes, I bit back a howl.

  “Good thing I’m not afraid of a few flames.”

  Fuck my life. This sassy, sexy minx is going to be the death of me.

  “We’re supposed to be live on-air in five minutes,” Sofia reminded.

  “Let’s get moving,” Quinn urged. “Oh, and one more thing, gang. When Harmony steps out with Ross, the press will want to know her name. Don’t tell them. I want to keep her identity a mystery for as long as possible.”

  The others agreed to keep their mouths shut before making their way off the coach. I turned to Quinn with a scowl. “Why don’t you want them knowing her name?”

  “Because it adds to the mystique.” Quinn smiled. “They’ll be so focused on trying to find out who she is, they might stop printing bullshit about suicide attempts.”

  “What happens when they finally ID her?”

  “They won’t,” Quinn assured cryptically.

  “Why not?”

  “You and Harmony need to sit down and get to know each other better…find out about one another’s lifestyles.”

  I nearly gave myself whiplash as I snapped my head toward the girl. While I hadn’t been around her long enough to know if she was a submissive or not, she had all the markings for sure.

  “You son of a—”

  “Not that lifestyle, Ross,” Quinn quickly amended. “I mean, talk about your likes and dislikes, where you grew up, hopes and dreams. That kind of stuff.”

  “Sure,” I scoffed, only to appease him.

  “Good. Okay, I’ll bring up the rear,” he said, nodding toward the door. “Hold hands and keep her beside you.”

  “I know the drill.”

  “Wait. What am I supposed to do?” Harmony’s voice quivered.

  Finally, fear had taken hold of her.

  “Smile and don’t let go of my hand no matter what,” I instructed.

  When we reached the stairs, I threaded my fingers through hers, doing everything in my power to ignore the current humming up my arm, and escorted her straight into the viper pit.

  The instant the paparazzi saw us together, they swarmed like a school of piranhas, barking out questions over the loud rock music piped onto the street from the radio station.

  We managed to get three steps in before the press—pushing and shoving and thrusting microphones and cameras in our faces—surrounded us and cut off our path. Harmony tensed and damn near squeezed my fingers off as a tiny whimper of terror slid from the back of her throat. Her lips quivered as her smile faltered, but it was the sheer look of panic shimmering in her eyes that sent my anger spiking.

  Damn you, Quinn. She’s losing her shit.

  Sliding my arm around her waist, I tucked Harmony in close to my side. I knew touching her sinful body was a stupid masochistic move, but I couldn’t let the terror unfurling within her take over. Still, I was unprepared for the feel of her lush, warm curves molding so perfectly against me. Where I was firm, solid muscle, she was soft, yielding flesh melting against me as if she’d been designed for me alone.

  And when she wrapped her arm around my hip, fisting my shirt as if it were a lifeline, a bolt of lightning streaked up my spine. The primitive need to protect this precious angel at all costs thundered through me. And somewhere on the periphery of the kaleidoscope of emotions crowding my system, I could feel every cell in my body sizzling to life as if waking from a long, desolate coma.

  As she trembled in my arms, Harmony turned her head, burying her face against my shirt. Her panicked breaths spilled through the fabric and ignited my flesh like the nine circles of hell. The ache to dip my head and claim her lips, gorge on the liquid heat of her mouth, and soothe her fears throbbed through me. But I fought the notion as Quinn shoved his way alongside Harmony, pushing the mics and cameras away.

  Locked in the sea of unrelenting reporters, all struggling to get closer while bludgeoning us with questions, I watched as Burk and the others reached the front door of the radio station.

  Lifting the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth, I blew out a sharp whistle—the quasi-bat-signal we’d adopted years ago after getting our asses kicked in one too many bar fights—alerting them I needed help. In unison, all four band brothers snapped their heads my direction. Like pack wolves, their bodies tensed, and their hands clenched into fists as they bulldozed through the crowd, clearing the path enough for us to enter the building.