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Rock Me Faster (Licks Of Leather Book 4) Page 7

  Once we were safely inside, it took several minutes to let my need to protect Harmony bleed out. I almost forgot to thank the guys for their help. Their modest assurance that it was nothing was completely expected. After all, they’d vowed to have my back. Then the stupid bastards did the one thing I’d explicitly asked them not to; they strolled down the hall, leaving me and Harmony completely alone.


  Clutching my self-control in a death grip, I studied the pale, shell-shocked woman beside me. “You okay?”

  “I-I don’t know. That was…insane.”

  “Hate to tell you this, but that crowd was small…and tame.” Her blue eyes grew wide and her pretty face turned a couple shades paler. Yeah, if Harmony decided to stick around, she’d need a shit-ton of acting lessons from Mia. Giving up hope that the mob outside hadn’t scared Harmony off, I jerked my head toward the hallway. “It’s show time. You ready?”

  “Yes.” She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin.

  Fuck, she was cute, even when she was being foolishly brave.

  While Sofia and Harmony stood silently on the other side of the room, my band brothers did their best to keep the DJ’s focus on our latest album and the new tour. But based on the weight of the air, growing heavier by the second, I knew his attention would soon veer off Ozzy and Mia’s newfound love and speed straight for me.

  My ass had spent plenty of time in the hot seat, especially after rehab. Still, experience didn’t stop my heart from chugging or my palms from sweating. Having my nuts roasted sucked elephant balls.

  A few minutes later, as expected, the DJ turned a sympathetic expression my way. “Ross Walker. Damn glad you made it today, man. You’re looking good…looking really good.”

  The grief in his soft, somber tone reminded me of the people who’d whispered their condolences at my grandma’s funeral when I was ten. I wanted to slam my fist through his face. Instead, I slid on my actor skin and let go of my anger.

  “Thanks,” I murmured as I turned and pinned Harmony with a sensual stare meant to melt her into a puddle. When she sucked in a startled gasp and her blue eyes flared, I knew I’d achieved that objective. “I feel good, damn good, in fact.”

  The DJ followed my line of sight and smirked. “Is she the reason?”

  “She is.”

  “So, the rumors about you—”

  “Are lies.”

  “And you’re not thinking about committing—?”

  “No. The only sin I’m going to commit is stripping my girl naked once we get back to the hotel and enticing her to scream the Lord’s name in vain until she’s in a coma,” I said in a growl as I held her with a hungry half-lidded stare.

  A coy smile, as if she were keeping a million naughty secrets, tugged her lips. “You did that last night and this morning. It’s a miracle I can talk at all, let alone walk.”

  Her sultry tone, wrapped in that sweet southern drawl, made me want to launch from my chair and drag her straight to my bunk on the bus.

  “Folks, I wish you could see the sparks flying off these two. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole damn studio bursts into flames.” The DJ laughed.

  She was definitely setting me on fire, no doubt about it.

  The announcer arched a quizzical brow and smiled. “What’s your name, honey?”

  “Mine,” I snarled.

  “Whoa, easy, big guy.” The DJ chuckled nervously. “Your fans will kill me if I don’t give them some juicy details about your beautiful, sexy mystery woman.”

  “Then tell me what you want carved on your headstone.”

  “I think you’re scaring him, baby.” Harmony chuckled as she pushed off the wall and walked toward me. The sway of her hips, though not overt, had me salivating.

  When she eased in beside me and cupped my shoulder, I tensed. The guys knew my limits, and I could tell each one was holding their breath as they watched with wide eyes. They grew even bigger when she leaned in close enough that I could feel her breath on my neck.

  Mentally gripping every ounce of my control in a mighty fist, I clenched my jaw as her warm breath slid over my flesh. I would have given my left nut to turn my head and claim her succulent lips. The thought of spearing my tongue into her juicy mouth had my muscles turning to granite. Especially my cock, which, thanks to the little minx, was hard enough to crush diamonds, throbbing like a bitch, and painfully scraping my zipper.

  I had to get her hand off me before I totally lost my shit. Forcing a smile that felt more like a sneer, I clasped her wrist and nonchalantly lifted her searing hand from my shoulder. Unable to let her go, I threaded her fingers through mine and stroked the inside of her wrist with my thumb.

  Harmony inhaled sharply as arousal flared in her eyes. The pulse point at her neck was hammering wildly. Christ, if she responded like this simply from my touch, I couldn’t wait to see what she’d do once I had her splayed out, naked on my bed, and dragging my tongue over every inch of her wicked body.

  As if reading my mind, she swallowed audibly before assuming her assigned role. An innocent smile stretched across her lips. Obviously, she didn’t notice the DJ’s obscene stare locked on her lush tits, or the way he licked his lips as if dying for a taste. I’d certainly noticed and was ready to rip his eyes from their sockets and shove them up his ass.

  “What kind of questions do the fans have?” Harmony asked in a soft, shy voice.

  Fuck. Me. She didn’t need acting lessons any more than I did. The performance she was giving had my damn blood boiling.

  The DJ was so enthralled with her tits, he didn’t even acknowledge her question.

  “Focus,” I growled.

  The prick finally peeled his eyes off her and jerked his head to the mic in front of his face. “Well, let’s see… How long have you and Ross been, um…together?”

  “Biblically? Or when we first met?” She blushed.

  When Harmony’s mind went straight to sex, my jaw nearly hit the floor. My cock lurched, eager to go straight there with her, too.

  “They’re one and the same, aren’t they?” Syd chortled.

  She blanched, then quickly recovered with a little laugh. “Why, Syd…were you listening?”

  “It was a little hard—pardon the pun—not to, sunshine.” The bass player laughed. “The noises coming out of your room sounded like Fifty Shades of Animal Planet.”

  “What can I say?” She shrugged. “Ross always makes me go a little crazy.”

  The innocent smile tugging her lips had my cock trying to punch a hole through my zipper.

  “I take it you two have been together for a while, then?” the DJ asked.

  “Yes. A very long time.” I nodded. If you’re counting by seconds, that is.

  “Then why haven’t we ever seen you two together? Have you been hiding her?”

  “Yes. I don’t share well,” I said with a nasty smile.

  “That’s more than obvious, dude.” The DJ smirked.

  As if knowing I was seconds from punching the fucker out cold, Harmony squeezed my hand. I didn’t like that she could read me so effortlessly. She was too perceptive, too fucking tempting…too everything.

  I was done sitting in this goddamn hot seat.

  Done playing the role of imaginary boyfriend.

  Done trying to ignore the heat of her body, intoxicating scent of her skin, and those innocent, glacier-blue eyes delving deep into my soul.

  We weren’t here to weave lies about relationships and sexual encounters that would never happen no matter how desperate I was to deflower the beauty.

  Clenching my jaw, I released Harmony’s hand, severing the unnerving connection between us, and sent Burk an impatient stare that screamed, Get this fucking DJ off my dick.

  “Oh, hey, man…I almost forgot. Though our concert’s been sold out for months, we brought some VIP packages you can give to your listeners.” Burk reached out toward Sofia, who hurried forward and slid the tickets into his palm.

  “Hell yeah. T
hanks, bro.” The DJ grinned widely as I jerked a barely perceptible nod of thanks at Burk. “All right. Let’s do this. Start lighting up the phones, listeners. I’ll take caller twelve.”

  Harmony flashed me a heart-stopping smile before strolling away to rejoin Sofia near the door.

  “Congratulations, you are caller twelve,” the announcer cheered.

  His excitement paled in comparison to the guy on the phone, who was screaming like a bitch. The others around me chuckled while I shook my head. It was flattering that the fans loved us, loved our music, but I never understood why they lost their damn minds around us or why groupies lined the halls of our dressing rooms after each concert, peddling pussy. Once upon a time, I dipped my dick in tons of those willing women, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what a single one of them looked like now.

  When the dude on the phone finally stopped screaming and gave the DJ his name, he sobered quickly. “Hey, can I say something to Ross?”

  “Sure, man. What’s up?” I asked.

  “Wow, I can’t believe this…I’m actually talking to the Ross Walker…the most amazing drummer on the planet. My girlfriend is going to be so damn jealous,” the caller said in total awe.

  “Then, hell, man…don’t tell her,” I scoffed.

  “Nah, it’s all cool. What I wanted to say is, if you’re thinking of checking out, don’t do it. My brother ate a bullet two years ago, and I’m still struggling with what he did.” When the man’s voice cracked, my heart turned to lead.

  “I’m sorry about your brother, dude. That sucks. But I’m not planning on leaving this world anytime soon. I swear.”

  “Thank you. I know you don’t know me, but your songs, especially “Empty Nights,” got me through the really rough days after his death.”

  “I’m glad we were able to help in some small way. Stay strong, brother, and we’ll see you backstage before the concert tomorrow night.”

  “Hell yeah,” he cheered. “Oh, I need to warn you, Ross. My girlfriend is in love with you and will probably ask you to sign her tits.”

  “I like tits,” Syd called out.

  I chuckled and shook my head. “I’ll make sure I have a marker on me.”

  Chapter Six


  Words couldn’t describe the relief I felt when the DJ turned his focus from Ross to Mia and began quizzing her about opening for the tour. With the spotlight now off Ross, I didn’t have to worry about performing anymore and had all the time in the world to worry and wonder if my act had been convincing enough.

  Had I laid it on too thick, too thin, or just right? Should I have said or done something different like crawl across Ross’s lap and throw my arms around his neck?

  No. Because after that smoldering look he’d sent me—again—I would have needed a crowbar to pry myself off him.

  Oh, I knew his erotic, half-lidded stare was all an act, but it didn’t keep quivers of arousal from skipping through me. Thank goodness I didn’t embarrass myself in the studio like I had on the bus. How could I let myself believe his seduction had been real? It was too late now to change my reaction. Still, his fiery sexual aura was wreaking havoc with my hormones.

  Doubly relieved when the interview was done, I focused on gathering my courage to parade back through the throng of fans and reporters waiting outside. As Ross moved in beside me, I tried leaching some of his confidence but kept getting sidetracked by his woodsy, masculine scent.

  “You could have won an Academy Award for that performance you just gave.” His rich, deep voice slid over me like warm honey.

  Wait. Did Ross just give me a compliment?

  Searching his face for any hint of sarcasm, I found none.

  “I really did okay?”

  He scoffed and slid a gaze outside, where the crowd was loudly chanting, “Licks of Leather,” then turned his attention back to me. “The others are going to form a circle around us so we don’t get cut off again, but you still need to stay close.”

  “Darn. I was hoping there was a back door we could sneak out and avoid all that.”

  “Let’s circle the wagons,” Burk called out.

  “All that.”—Ross pointed to the crowd—“is free publicity. We don’t ever turn that shit down. I’ll keep you safe. Trust me.”

  Putting my faith in the goddesses, the earth, stars, and cycles of the moon came natural to me. Trusting Ross to keep the mob from squeezing the life out of me wasn’t natural at all. Still, he’d proven himself capable of getting me inside the studio. I had little choice but to trust he’d get me back on the bus in one piece.

  “Let’s move out. I’ve reserved a restaurant for lunch,” Quinn announced.

  “Did he just say he’d reserved an entire restaurant?” I whispered to Ross.

  “Yeah. It’s the only way we can all eat a meal in peace when we’re together. You ready?”

  I squared my shoulders, lifted my chin, and nodded.

  “All systems go,” he called to the others.

  The second Burk opened the door, the cries outside swelled to a thundering crescendo. I slapped on a smile as Ross slid his arm around my waist and ushered me through the portal. As promised, the others shielded us with their bodies as we inched our way to the bus. The invisible current Ross’s touch evoked hummed through me, igniting fireworks low in my belly. I’d never experienced this strange sensation with anyone but Ross. Only Ross, with his bulging muscles and chiseled features. The man was a work of art who made me yearn for things I hadn’t given much thought to before.

  I needed to guide this crazy hum to its proper place in the universe. But where did it belong? And most importantly, where did it come from? Were Ross and my auras so diametrically different that his darkness warred with my light and induced this potent friction? I didn’t have a clue.

  One thing was certain—I’d never felt anything so unnerving and arousing before. But then again, except for Beau back home, no man had ever even kissed me. Of course, when our lips touched, I felt nothing. No sparks or fireworks, definitely nothing like the bonfire that licked my core each time Ross seared me with his lurid stare. Okay, so it was only make-believe. Still, the tingles he sent skipping through me were definitely real.

  Lost in my daydreams, I found it easy to block out the shouting crowd. Before I knew it, I was climbing the stairs onto the bus. But as Ross placed a warm hand to the small of my back, that familiar pulse-racing heat spread through me once more.

  “You survived,” Kenny greeted with a wide grin. “I knew you would. You might be a little thing, but I can tell, you’ve got moxie.”


  “And she’s a natural-born actress,” Mia praised, bounding up the stairs behind Ross.

  “I am?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Mia grinned as we both sat down on the soft leather couch. “Ross looked seconds away from bending you over and giving the listeners a soundtrack they’d never forget.”

  “Fooled you. Need any more proof that I’m a fine actor?” Ross groused as he strode past me and disappeared down a darkened hall toward the rear of the bus.

  “Ignore him, Harmony. You did fantastic.” Quinn grinned. “Keep that up and the tabloids will be retracting their lies in no time.”

  Then what?

  Tendrils of dread slid through me. Surely Quinn wouldn’t void our contract and send me home without the money he’d promised. Or would he? Shaking off the claws of negativity to keep my fears from coming to fruition, I drew in several calming breaths and focused on wending serenity through my system.

  All was great until Ross returned—dragging a cloud of conflicted emotions with him that fractured my inner peace—and claimed the seat across the aisle from me once again.

  “You okay?” I asked automatically, then inwardly cringed.

  Of course he wasn’t. And the chance of him spilling his guts in front of me or his friends was a big, fat zero.

  “Peachy,” he drawled derisively.

  I knew he was l
ying. Everyone on the bus did, too. But I didn’t push the issue, and neither did they. That was part of Ross’s problem. No one had ever forced him to confront his feelings or talk them out. They simply let him shove them into a big, ugly caldron and cover them with a lid. But like the pressure cooker Willow used at canning time back home, if you didn’t keep an eye on the pot, it could explode.

  It was past time to lift Ross’s lid and peek inside. Pretending to stare out the window behind him, I held the man in my periphery. Cordoning off his potent waves of anger, I wrapped the coils of his confusion, wisps of hostility, and strings of resentment around me like a heavy blanket. After I’d cleared a path and could feel his walls, Ross glanced over his shoulder, then back at me with a scowl. “What are you looking at?”

  “Nothing. Just taking in the sights of the city,” I fibbed.

  “Oh, yeah? Why are your eyes narrow and what’s with the frown?”

  Dammit. I’d been concentrating so hard on him I hadn’t bothered to keep my own expression in check.

  “I’m just trying to wrap my head around the sheer number of people on the streets.”

  “Tomorrow night there’ll be twenty thousand plus, all in one place, all on their feet, screaming their lungs out.” Ross paused and cocked his head. “You ever been to a concert?”

  “No. Yours will be my first.”

  “Ever?” he barked. I nodded as my cheeks grew warm. “You don’t like music?”

  “Goodness, no, I love it.”

  “Then why haven’t you ever been to a concert? We’ve played Louisville and Lexington more times than I can count. Hell, back in the day when we were first starting out, I think we played every bar in Kentucky.” He narrowed his eyes, sending my heart rate doubling and my stomach tumbling. “You live in a convent or something?”